Women Space and branch of the Association RAINBOW Niš have launched the COLLECTIVE initiative, creative and safe space for members of the LGBTTIQ community in Niš, southern and eastern Serbia, where we talk, cook, implement sports and creative activities, etc. In addition, we launched a reading room, a place where we gather, read and debate about books with LGBTTIQ themes.
After several months of a few activities without budget, thanks to the financial support of the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Serbia, from August 1, 2016 we started to organize in Niš educational, cultural and recreational programs and psycho-social support for members of LGBTTIQ community. The project will last for one year, and within the project we will held a small festival that will be opened for public.
Members of LGBTTIQ community will have the opportunity to learn and empower themselves and people around them. These activities are opened not only for LGBTTIQ people but for those that want to participate in these events and support the LGBTTIQ community. Travel expenses will be covered for all participants that are not from Niš, but would like to attend the certain activities.
We will soon present a detailed action plan, and we invite you to follow and join us.